Welcome to the Rapid-PCB.com
Note that Carbide 3D has recently acquired Rapid-PCB so it's going to be in a state of transition for a little while as we make updates to the application.
In external tool (e.g. Eagle og KiCad)
- Create your board in Eagle or other tool
- Export signals (bottom, pads, vias) as a Gerber RS247X file. In Eagle this is "File -> CAM Processor"
- Export holes (drills, holes) as a Excellon file.
On Rapid-PCB.com
- Set the size of your copper material
- Check the checkbox to mill a flat surface
- Import the signal file into Rapid-PCB.com
- Import the drill file into Rapid-PCB.com
- Check the checkbox to generate an outline cut. Set the offsets and size of the cut to match what you want.
- Check the checkbox to generate hatches.
- Verify in the preview that the output will be ok.
- Click "Generate G-code
- Download the zip-file and extract the individual G-codes
In the CNC control software (e.g. Mach3 or LinuxCNC)
- Mill the flat area
- Tip: Turn down the accelleration if the movements are jerky
- Tape the copper board into the flat area where the origin corner is with a double-sided tape.
- Mill the contours. If too high (no visible marks) go down 0.2 mm. If mark but not all the way through, go down 0.1mm
- Mill hatches.
- Drill holes
- Mill the cuts
Done, success!